Affirmations are a GIFT to myself

Positive thoughts and messages produce positive results and behaviors.

Negative thoughts and messages produce negative results and behaviors!

It is a simple choice to use positive thoughts instead of negative thoughts. Take a negative thought like I am not lovable and write it down as I am lovable.

Affirmations are a GIFT to myself

  • I am lovable
  • I will
  • I can do anything
  • I am smart
  • I am strong enough
  • I matter
  • I am as big as I have to be
  • My life is important
  • I am creative
  • I do exist
  • God loves me
  • I love god
  • I love myself
  • I am equal to all
  • I am surrounded by love
  • I love and accept myself exactly as I am
  • I know that I deserve love and I accept it now
  • I am a loving, beautiful creative person and this is reflected in my relationships with others
  • Loving myself unconditionally brings healing and an abundance of love into my life
  • The love I give out returns to me multiplied
  • Love flows through my body, shines in my face and radiates out from me in all directions
  • I will sing with my spirit, but I also will sing with my mind 1 Corinthians 14:15b (NIV)

Now write the negative thoughts you have about yourself then turn them into Affirmations and write these down and put them in a place you will see and read them when you awake and go to sleep and read them every day! This is your affirmation gift to yourself!

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